Weight Loss

Losing Weight and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult.


  • Are you consuming food when you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious?
  • Are you overloading your body with sugar or unhealthy foods?
  • Do you have little to no motivation for movement and less trust in your body?

You know you need to lose unnecessary weight, so what’s stopping you?


In a word: overwhelm. There are thousands and thousands of weight loss techniques inundating our newsfeeds:

“Try this diet!”

“Take this pill!”

“Do this exercise for 90 days!”

If it sounds exhausting, spoiler alert: it is! As amazing as many weight loss techniques are, it all comes down to one question…

What’s keeping me from losing weight and keeping it off in a safe way?


You want an all-natural, safe, reliable way to lose unnecessary weight and maintain a great-for-you weight for good. Even the most popular weight loss techniques often ignore one crucial aspect: your subconscious mind.

What’s keeping you from losing weight is the six inches between your ears.

The good news is you’re not alone.


My Brain Shifts can guide your subconscious mind to become a healthier you without relying on drugs, strict dieting, or massive lifestyle changes.


Thousands of clients every year find success with our weight loss protocols. We help make the journey of weight loss and long-term weight maintenance easier to navigate than ever before now.

Can we tell you our secret? Neuroplasticity -- the ability to restructure how your brain works when it comes to weight loss.

Right now, your brain may not be working with you. Your conscious mind knows you want to be healthy, so why do you keep reaching for the chocolate cake and remote? Your weight loss journey is getting hijacked by your subconscious.

That’s where our superpowers help give you the victory you crave.

We help you gather unconscious resources to change your brain and start achieving your wellness goals. Our techniques help with weight control, stress reduction, and virtually anything other change you want to experience in your life. After one session, you will be well on your way to becoming who you want to be.

How It Works:

  • We use many different evidence-based techniques, such as hypnosis, NLP, EFT, and more, to help start reaching your wellness goals using the power of your own mind.
  • We continue working with you one-on-one to squash cravings, give you the power to adhere to your wellness goals, and ignite your motivation to sculpt a new you.

Now is the time to be fully aligned with the life and body
 you’d love to see in the mirror.



It’s Time to Become a Healthier You.
 Next Step: Schedule Your First Session.